
@Serializable(with = NotEmptyListSerializer::class)
@SinceKotoolsTypes(version = "4.0")
data class NotEmptyList<out E> : NotEmptyCollection<E>

Representation of lists that contain at least one element of type E.


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fun toList(): List<E>

Returns all elements of this list as a List of type E.

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open override fun toString(): String

Returns the string representation of this collection.


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open override val head: E

The first element of this collection.

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The size of this collection.

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open override val tail: NotEmptyList<E>? = null

All elements of this collection except the first one.


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@SinceKotoolsTypes(version = "4.1")
val NotEmptyCollection<*>?.sizeOrZero: PositiveInt

Returns the size of this collection, or returns ZeroInt if this collection is null.